Saturday, January 21, 2012

Drowned Rat

As I’ve described in several past blogs, the weather here in Ratlanta is always unpredictable. This time last year we were locked in a vicious snow storm that paralyzed the city for more than a week, but today we’re experiencing treacherous precipitation of the liquid variety that more closely resembles the type of weather we generally see toward the end of spring!
Rainy conditions or not, a rat’s gotta eat. I left the hovel early this morning to see what kind of grub I could get my paws on when lo and behold a flash flood hit, and I was swept downstream in a torrent of water. It was all I could do to hold on for dear life! Despite the fact that because I’m made of rubber I float rather than sink, I was still scared that the crashing waves would pull me under. But thankfully, just when I’d given myself up for lost, a twig drifted by: a twig that, though small, was large enough for me to dig my claws into and float along. And because all streams in Ratlanta eventually empty into the sewers, I soon found myself under the manhole of my favorite food-loving fat rat pal Gus, who had plenty of vittles on paw from his recent dumpster dives to satiate the grumbly in my tumbly.
If you happen to be in Ratlanta today and get caught in a downstream flood, be careful, grab a twig to hold onto, and don’t worry: eventually you’ll get to Gus, and he’s got a load of moldy scraps on standby just waiting for your consumption.
Keepin’ it squeak,

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