Monday, May 23, 2011

The Apawcalypse

Wow! Last week may have seen many media-worthy events in the rat world (see The Rodent Weekly, Volume 2), but we don’t hold a whisker to what’s gone on with you humans these past several days! From the Center for Disease Control’s May 16th preparedness promotion blog in the face of the Zombie Apocalypse to religious fundamentalist Harold Camping’s prediction of the coming of Judgment Day on May 21st, it’s a wonder that all of you aren’t in the streets waving your hands and screaming, “It’s the end of the world!”
I’m certainly not one to squeak doomsday – we rodents scratched a page from history when Chicken Little’s cries of “The sky is falling!” turned out to be dangerously misinformed – so it may come as no surprise that my fur hasn’t been ruffled about all these interesting end-of-world goings-on. (Truth be squeaked, however, my cheese crumbs are on the flesh-eating zombies … hey, at least there’s food involved!) On the contrary, me and mine are happy to be safe in our little hovel in spite of the apawcalyptic predictions, although the pups are upset that they haven’t found an excuse to get out of doing their chores. (The boys in particular give me a constant fuss about having to make up their nestlets in the morning.)
I know that there are very strong feelings held by many out there about the end times, so I won’t begin to squeak a statement of belief or banter in one direction or another that may offend someone. My blog by all means is meant to be humorous, but never at someone’s expense. Please, really, take it at muzzle value – laugh along and know that I’m not pawing fun at one group or another. (Except, perhaps, the believers of the apawcalyptic undead. But in case there is an invasion, it’s a good idea to have an emergency preparedness kit and evacuation plan as the CDC suggests.)
So in spite of zombies encroaching and worldwide panfleamonium taking place, I hope you and yours have gotten through the week more or less intact, and at the end can draw close together and smile. As for me, I’ll follow the lyrics of R.E.M.’s song “It’s the End of the World” and simply squeak, “It’s the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine.”
Keepin’ it squeak,

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