Alas, 2010 has come to a close. The advent of the New Year brings with it many traditions: reflections on the year past, resolutions for the one to come, and no small amount of frivolity and pawtying on New Year’s Eve. Residents of America’s Deep South, like here in Ratlanta, Georgia where I live, also have a custom of consuming collard greens and black-eyed peas on New Year’s Day: the greens to ensure financial prosperity, and the legumes for good luck.
2010 has indeed been a special year for me. Perhaps the most momentous event has been the launching of this blog in mid-July, and through it I have been thrilled to bring you into my many rat-tastic adventures. From light-hearted things like taking in a NASCAR race and bringing you to my favorite sea-side saloon, Margarataville, to more serious topics, such as remembering the terrorist attacks of September 11th, I’ve been able to transport you into my world, seeing the events that happen around us from a rat’s perspective. (Watching changes on the squirrelitical scene in the wake of the November elections was pawticularly interesting.)
It’s also been exciting to take you into the rodent realm itself, bringing you along on my foray through the dumpsters with my rat pal Gus, observing Take-a-Human-to-Work Day as I invited you to my job as a Sewer Inspector (you know we rats just love sewers), and giving you a sneak-peek into the current events of critters like me with our very own newspaper, The Rodent Weekly. (By the way, they’re still in need of a fry cook at the China House restaurant; the position posted in the Classifieds hasn't been filled yet. If any rodents reading this are seeking employment, sniff it out.)
The most special times for me, however, have been those spent with the ones I love. From being christened in this new world by the people who would become my human family to having a humorous squeak with death while critter camping, spending time with these humans who so affectionately love me has been tremendously pawsome. I also got to introduce you to my lovely wife and our offspring, who most recently snuck around the hovel as I, with bated rat breath, watched Santa Paws deliver Christmas presents. Finally, I had the most squeak-tacious opportunity in my entire rat life to meet many of you, my blog followers and Muzzlebook fans, as I made my first pawsonal appearance in the village of Rex, Georgia when many of us gathered to sing Yuletide carols in early December.
So whether or not you consume collard greens and black-eyed peas on New Year’s Day, I hope 2011 is your most rat-tastic year yet. If you resolve, like me, to shed a few pounds (I’m beginning to develop a bit of a cheese belly), maintain your good health, or catch up on some zzzzz's, remember to be thankful for the people (and rodents!) in your life and the blessings God has given you. Stay brave (don’t be a scaredy-rat), keep your whiskers clean, and always remember to keep it squeak!
Keepin’ it squeak myself,