Friday, July 23, 2010

Bob’s Beginnings

So how did I get here and come by the unusual rat name Bob, you ask? Well, it started out innocently enough. One day a lady by the name of Mischief came by and thought it would be a great idea to pull a prank on her daughter’s best friend, Unsuspecting Victim. That night I found myself in the bed of Miss Victim, and great was the scream of horror from her lips when, ready for a peaceful night’s slumber, she pulled back the covers only to discover me there looking up at her with my beady-red rat eyes. Great also was the peel of laughter coming from Mischief and her daughter, who were waiting with bated breath across the hallway for her reaction. I, myself, smiled silently in delight.
After that I found myself volleying back and forth between the friends: one day I’d be found in the dresser drawer of one, the next day in the backpack of the other. I got a kick out of every startle. At last they decided to name me. And what better name for a terror-inspiring rat than Bob, one of the most ironically tranquil names of all? And of course Unsuspecting Victim, who’d once named one of her sea monkeys Farfegnügen, was the one to christen me.
So there I was, and here I am: Bob the rat. And with that, the adventures began. So until next time, have a good night, and don’t let the bed rats bite.
Keepin’ it squeak,

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