Friday, August 9, 2013

Cheesy Jokes 2

As you well know by now, I am one cheesy rat. So in case you didn’t get enough from last time, here are more cheesy jokes to tickle your punny bone!
Why don’t rats like going to the coast in late August? It’s furricane season.
What’s a rodent’s favorite dessert? Mice cream!
Why did they consider the mouse a connoisseur of cheese? He was a real curd nerd.
Why did the rat love cheesecake so much? He had a sweet incisor.
Why did the rodent have such a good night on the town? He had Raturday Night Fever.
Why was the rat such a whiz at card games? It was impossible to read his pawker face.
How did the rodent avoid time in the pawnitentiary? He made a quick fleascape.
What do you call a pup who won’t stop telling on others? A rattle-tale.
Why did the mouse want to meet the famous actress? He wanted her pawtograph.
What is Shakespaw’s most famous quote? To brie or not to brie.
Why couldn’t the rodent divulge what he knew? He was sworn to squeakrecy.
Who was the mightiest mythological Greek flearo? Furcules!
What do you call hopelessly ruffled fur? A fashion fleamergency.
How do you thank a Hispanic rat? Say, “Gratcias!”
How can you keep each day interesting? Remember that variety is the mice of life!
Until the next round of cheesy jokes comes to tickle that punny bone of yours, keep it tuned to Bob’s Blogs for flea-bitten funnies in poetry and prose!
Keepin’ it squeak,

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