It’s that time of year again – summer time! Fleamorial Day has passed, the pups are out of school, and everyone’s spending extra time in the cool, dark sewers, trying to escape the prepawsterous heat.
For my human family, summer means it’s also time to fire up the grill. Big Burly Pop has been presiding over the coals for several weeks already, and with the sizzling season in full swing he’s looking to stretch his culinary boundaries. Unfurtunately, for me that means nothing good – unlike most humans, he’s not averse to rat meat! I still remember the time he roasted me over a camp fire. The twins saved me then, but lately Pop’s gone to cooking while the girls are still at work. Unsqueakable!
Looks like I may have to keep my beady-red rat eyes out for Pop throughout the rest of grilling season. I’ll also have to send the squeak-out to my rodent friends to take it easy on staying chill in the sewers. After all, you know what goes best with Bob-B-Que, right? You guessed it: mice cream.
Keepin’ it squeak,