Happy Thanksgiving, everyone, and happy Hanukkah too!
This year the two holidays fall on the same day, a sight not seen by rats or humans since 1888 and one that won’t be seen again for more than 79,000 years! (I wonder if rodents will have super-sonic sniffers by then.)
My mousey wife Bobette and I have been enjoying the pawliday with family and friends. While our human family didn’t feel quite bold enough to let us scurry on the table, they did put down a whole plate-full of heaping Thanksgiving helpings, with potato pancake latkes and extra mac n’ cheese – how mice! Er, nice. The pups have had fun spinning on top of the toy dreidel, and we’ve even had visits from my friends, Gus and Slim. Health-obsessed Slim happily laid aside his healthy eating habits for the day and clawed into whatever he could find – in fact, you can still see his incisor marks in the cheesecake. And Gus, who has an affinity for foul foods, was gracious enough to curb his disgusting diet for one meal.
And so we now sit – or lounge, rather – happily digesting a wonderful Thanksgivukkah meal. (Even the pups have given the dreidel a rest.) I now have time to reflect, so in honor of the converging holidays here’s my Hanukkah-themed thankful Thanksgiving list:
- That Jews consider rat meat unclean and therefore unfit for consumption.
- That the humans, a Christian family, follow their Jewish roots in that aspect!
- That cheesecake was once again on the dessert menu.
- That the pups didn’t toss their cheese balls while spinning on that dreidel top.
- That Slim, who is Jewish, always helps us keep things kosher. (And by that, I mean pawsome.)
- That the family cat has had more of an interest in his cardboard box than in scurrying rodents today.
- That yarmulkes make great nesting places.
- That the gelts, Hanukkah’s traditional gifts of money, are given in cheese crumbs.
- That Adam Sandler’s Hanukkah Song keeps everyone squeaking – er, laughing.
- That this Festival of Lights keeps things bright, and reminds us to be thankful for our Creator, our Savior, and each other.
Thankfully keepin’ it glowing,