Saturday, May 10, 2014

Critter Fritters


My neighbors and I, humans and rodents alike, are super excited right now, because just down the street (or down the sewer pipe, depending on your perspective) a new donut shop recently opened! Aboveground, cars have been backing up the parking lot and spilling into the surrounding streets for blocks, while we under-dwellers deal with our own, er, “blockages” down below as everyone has clamored to get their hands (or paws) on a fresh, piping hot, sugar-glazed donut.
I got to visit the shop early this morning, before many humans had the chance to rise (and while many rodents were snuggling down to bed). I was in donut heaven! The vision in my beady red eyes was too blurry to read the menu, but my muzzle told me all I needed to know: I was surrounded by apple fritters, chocolate-drizzled donuts, cream-filled donuts, and donuts with no nuts and sprinkles and cheese! For yes, while the humans all came to lust at the sugar glaze waterfall and salivate voraciously under the glow of the “Hot Donuts Now Available” sign, I had the rack of cheese Danishes all to myself. I was so content that I even felt bold enough to wash them down with coffee – a substance I haven’t touched since a pawful episode of caffeine overload six months ago.
I hope you have the pleasure of an event as rat-tastic as the installation of a new donut shop happen to you soon. Something that draws the community together and backs cars into the streets for blocks – but that hopefully does not incur any blockages farther below, if you know what I mean!
Keepin’ it squeak,

Monday, May 5, 2014

Mexican Rat Dance


Hola! Happy Squeako de Mayo!
Today my Mexican rat brethren celebrate their heritage. People and rodents all over are taking to the streets in revelry. You can hear their shrieks for miles – although I hope some of those human shrieks aren’t coming out of fear as a rat scuttles across their path.
My own human family doesn’t have any salsa running through their blood (they’re more of Irish descent), but they still plan to observe the pawliday in their own way – gastronomically – with some steak-and-chicken fajitas. And thankfully, they’re giving me no small amount of queso fresco on the side!
Squeako de Mayo pestivities in the rodent realm wouldn’t be complete without the traditional Mexican Rat Dance, in which we all hold paws and scuttle around a sombrero. Male rats nuzzle the muzzles of their dames and afterward we all indulge in our favorite Mexican food: furritos!
Whether or not you hail from this land of sun and beauty, I hope you get the chance to observe the pawliday in your own way. So grab your sombrero, nuzzle some muzzles, and don’t forget the furriots and fresco!
Keepin’ it squeak,