Rat-tastic greetings to you on this most squeaktacular of American holidays, Thanksgiving Day, in which we paws for a moment, feast on fowl flesh, and express gratitude for who and what we hold dear.
Thanksgiving is a special time when many of us enumerate the things for which we are appreciative, and while, as my list from last year points out, I’m still very grateful that I’m not the turkey and Fluffy the Cat has not been invited to the feast, I’d like to add to it. So I present to you now Bob the Rat’s 2011 Top 10 Things for Which I Am Thankful:
1. That I am the original author of “keep it squeak.”
2. That, despite this, I remain a humble rat.
3. Cheese.
4. My human and rodent families.
5. You!
6. Cheese.
7. This hovel in cyberspace where I scratch out my thoughts.
8. Our connectedness thanks to the World Wide Web (even though I’m not fond of spiders).
9. Cheese.
10. Melty mozzarella, succulent Swiss … oh, the glory of cheese.
Wherever you find yourself this Thanksgiving Day, I hope you’re surrounded by the love of family and friends and have copious access to both turkey and cheese. No matter what, though, be sure to have an attitude of gratitude, and always remember to keep it squeak!
Keepin’ it squeak likewise,