Saturday, July 20, 2013


Anyone living in the southeastern United States can tell you that this has been one of the wettest summers on record. With all the rain falling, it’s no wonder we all find ourselves wet behind the ears and constantly grooming to keep our whiskers dry.
All summer long I’ve been scuttling around, watching mushrooms pop up in my human family’s yard. By now I’ve seen just about every variety: puffballs, gilled, stinkhorns … the latter whose foul smell reminds me of my pungent cousins, the muskrats.
What I’ve yet to see, however, are button mushrooms, truffles, and portabellas – you know, the kind you see on pizzas! Cheesy pizzas. I’m not into psychfleadelics, so what good is a mushroom to me if I can’t eat it?
Heaven knows we’ve had more than our fair share of rain this year, but until those puffballs turn into cheese puffballs, I’ll continue to welcome nature’s showers on the yard.
Keepin’ it squeak,